Country *
- Seleccionar - Afganistán Albania Alemania Andorra Angola Anguila Antigua y Barbuda Antillas Holandesas Antillas Holandesas. Antártida Arabia Saudí Argelia Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaiyán Bahamas Bahrein Bangladesh Barbados Belice Benin Bermudas Bielorrusia Birmania Bolivia Bosnia Herzegovina Botsuana Brasil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Bután Bélgica Cabo Verde Camboya Camerún Canadá Catar Chad Chile China Chipre Colombia Comoras Congo (Brazzaville) Congo (Kinshasa) Corea del Norte Corea del Sur Costa de Marfil Costa Rica Croacia Cuba Curazao Dinamarca Dominica Ecuador Egipto El Salvador El Vaticano Emiratos Árabes Unidos Eritrea Eslovaquia Eslovenia España Estados Unidos Estonia Etiopía Filipinas Finlandia Fiyi Francia Gabón Gambia Georgia Ghana Gibraltar Granada Grecia Groenlandia Guadalupe Guam Guatemala Guayana Guayana Francesa Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guinea Ecuatorial Haití Heard Island and McDonald Islands Honduras Hungría India Indonesia Irak Irlanda Irán Isla Bouvet Isla de Man Isla de Navidad Isla de Norfolk Islandia Islas Aland Islas Caimán Islas Cocos Islas Cook Islas Feroe Islas Georgias del Sur y Sandwich del Sur Islas Malvinas/Falkland Islas Marianas del Norte Islas Marshall Islas Pitcairn Islas Salomón Islas Turcas y Caicos Islas Ultramarinas de Estados Unidos Islas Vírgenes Británicas Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos Israel Italia Jamaica Japón Jersey Jordania Kazajistán Kenia Kirguistán Kiribati Kuwait Laos Lesotho Letonia Liberia Libia Liechtenstein Lituania Luxemburgo Líbano Macedonia Madagascar Malasia Malaui Maldivas Mali Malta Marruecos Martinica Mauricio Mauritania Mayotte Micronesia Moldavia Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Mozambique México Mónaco Namibia Nauru Nepal Nicaragua Nigeria Niue Noruega Nueva Caledonia Nueva Zelanda Níger Omán Pakistán Palaos Panamá Papúa Nueva Guinea Paraguay Países Bajos Perú Polinesia Francesa Polonia Portugal Puerto Rico R.A.E. de Hong Kong, China R.A.E. de Macao, China Reino Unido República Centroafricana República Checa República Dominicana Reunión Ruanda Rumanía Rusia Samoa Samoa americana San Bartolomé San Cristóbal y Nieves San Marino San Martín San Martín (parte francesa) San Pedro y Miguelón Santa Helena Santa Lucía Santo Tomé y Príncipe San Vicente y las Granadinas Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leona Singapur Siria Somalia Sri Lanka Suazilandia Sudáfrica Sudán Sudán del Sur Suecia Suiza Surinam Svalbard y Jan Mayen Sáhara Occidental Tailandia Taiwán Tanzania Tayikistán Territorio Británico del Océano Índico Territorio Palestino Territorios Australes Franceses Timor Oriental Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad y Tobago Turkmenistán Turquía Tuvalu Túnez Ucrania Uganda Uruguay Uzbekistán Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Wallis y Futuna Yemen Yibuti Zambia Zimbabue
Name of city/municipality *
Name of respondent *
Department *
Other departments which use PPP
2. If your city/municipality uses a limited number of pesticides, please state when you started restricting the pesticides used, the categories of pesticides you use, the conditions and derogations under which different categories of pesticides are used, or if the use of certain pesticides is totally prohibited. *
2.1. Category of pesticides used:
2.2. Category of pesticides whose use is totally prohibited:
2.3. Any conditions governing when these pesticides are used:
2.4. Do these rules on pesticide use also apply to use by private citizens and other users and stakeholders, or only to use by your department municipality?
2.5. When did you introduce specific rules on the categories of pesticides you use, the conditions and derogations under which different categories of pesticides are used or if the use of certain pesticides is totally prohibited?
2.6. Can you estimate the % of reduction in total pesticide use which has been achieved since these rules were introduced?
3. If your city/ municipality has different rules for different public areas (e.g. hospitals, sports grounds, hotels, etc.), please reply separately to questions 1 and 2 for each category of area. *
4. Please specify which of the pesticide reduction/ elimination measures listed above stem from national law and which stem from policies at regional or city level. *
6. Have you set up networks to disseminate information your pesticide reduction/ elimination policy and the reasons for it or to discuss its implementation? If yes, please describe briefly. *
9.2 If ou have problems with mosquitos, hot do you solve it? *
15.1. Please briefly explain your answer:
16.2. Please provide a brief summary on the main types of feedback comments received: *
17.2. Please provide a brief summary on the main types of feedback comments received: *
Other (please specify) *
18. Do you have any examples of how your efforts to reduce or eliminate pesticides have contributed to other municipal policies such as urban greening plans? *
19. Please outline the financial and technical support offered to your town, either from central government or sponsorship from businesses. *
20. Please outline any systems you have set up for your current pesticide free policies for monitoring and controlling the use of pesticides to ensure they comply with pesticide restrictions in your town and any challenges you have faced in monitoring and controlling pesticide use. *
21.1. Please briefly explain or justify your answer:
22. Do you have any questions, suggestions or examples of the good practices you would like to share with us?